Name: Nora Fanderl, M.Sc.
Position in DynaMo: Ph.D. researcher
Contact details:
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
Nobelstraße 12
70569 Stuttgart
Tel: ++49 711 970 2301
E-Mail: nora.fanderl (at)
Nora Fanderl holds a Master’s Degree in Urban Design from the HafenCity University Hamburg and a diploma in Interior Design from the University of Stuttgart. Furthermore, she has several years of professional experience in the field of project management at various architectural offices.
Since 2014, Nora Fanderl has been working as a research assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO in Stuttgart. In the competence center „Urban Governance Innovation“, her research focus is on innovative design processes in urban development.
Nora Fanderl is deputy manager of the Fraunhofer innovation network “Morgenstadt: City Insights” and responsible for initiating and coordinating research on smart urban development projects, in collaboration with national and international partners from industry and municipalities, such as real estate developers, policy makers and urban planners. As an Urbact Expert Nora Fanderl is supporting cities in designing and implementing new urban development formats and co-creation processes for sustainable urban transformation.
Since August 2016, Nora Fanderl is working towards a PhD by analyzing future mobility governance and co-creation processes of urban mobility systems.
Main research interests:
Urban Design, Smart City Developments, Co-creation