Anne-Kathrin Gahle

Name: Anne-Kathrin Gahle, M.A.


Position in DynaMo: Ph.D. researcher


Contact details:

Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement (IAT)
Nobelstraße 12, 70569 Stuttgart
E-Mail: anne-kathrin.gahle (at)






Anne-Kathrin Gahle studied Political and Administrative Science (B.A.) at the University of Hagen and Empirical Political and Social Research (M.A.) at the University of Stuttgart, each with a special focus on organizational sociology. The focus of her studies was on environmental, technological and innovation sociological issues. During her studies and beyond, her employments at Steinbeis Transfer Institute Advanced Risk Technologies in Stuttgart as well as at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO) and the Institute for Work Science and Technology Management (IAT) at the University of Stuttgart always allowed a practical and economic-based consolidation of related topics. These included, in particular, projects in the field of work and organizational development in the context of innovative technologies, urban development and energy generation and mobility with a view to their acceptance by the population. The research and consulting focus of Anne-Kathrin Gahle lies at the interface of urban passenger and goods mobility.

Main research interests:

Interactive work, technical service work, work and organization design, digitization, institutionalization of technological and organizational structural phenomena, technology assessment, sustainable mobility and urban development


  • Bienzeisler, Bernd / Schletz, Alexander / Gahle, Anne-Kathrin (2014): Industrie 4.0 Ready Services. Technologietrends 2020. Ergebnisse einer Kurzbefragung auf der Messe Maintain 2014. Onlinepublikation (
  • Bienzeisler, Bernd / Klemisch, Michaela / Gahle, Anne-Kathrin (2014): Kooperative Dienstleistungssysteme. In: Bieber, Daniel (Hrsg.): Personenbezogene Dienstleistungen im Kontext komplexer Wertschöpfung: Anwendungsfeld „Seltene Krankheiten“. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, S. 90-99.
  • Schnalzer, Kathrin / Gahle, Anne-Kathrin / Bienzeisler, Bernd / Theis, Patrick / Winter, Patrick (2013): Komplexe Entwicklungsprojekte effektiver managen. Onlinepublikation (
  • Schnalzer, Kathrin / Schletz, Alexander / Bienzeisler, Bernd / Raupach, Anne-Kathrin (2012): Fachkräftemangel und Know-how Sicherung in der IT-Wirtschaft. Lösungsansätze und personalwirtschaftliche Instrumente, Stuttgart: Fraunhofer Verlag.